Sunday, December 8, 2019
Critical Analysis of Participatory Media Culture for Conveyor
Question: Discuss about theCritical Analysis of Participatory Media Culture for Conveyor. Answer: The advancement in the Globalized network demands high necessitate for effective communication. The inter connection between individuals have been bonded by a series of effective network of communiqu that brings the Media to the foreground as a medium of effective communication. Media in other words is the effective medium of communication between the conveyor and the audience (Berger 2015). This essay deals in the critical analysis of the role of media and how it has transformed itself into an effective both way communications rather that playing just the role of conveying the message from the broadcaster or the speaker. The essay effectively justifies the role of media from a consumer culture to a participatory culture. This essay helps understand the dual roles that the media has started to play from the single role that it initially was assigned for as well as critically analyse the impact of the adjustment on the society. The purpose of the essay is to understand and clearly justify the rationale of the participatory culture of media from a mere consumer culture and understand its impact and significance. Media is defined as a medium of effective communication that is being used an important tool for delivering a significant message or data. With the revolution of communication and emergence of newer methods of communication has effectively changed the face of mass communication that has facilitated the easy exchange of interactions, opinion and values (Hepp and Krotz 2014). Initially the media was one way of communication such as television, radio and newspaper that only facilitated the passing of message amongst the masses but with higher expansion in the communication network, this gap has been slowly and gradually covered. The media has been successful in not only meeting its purpose but it effective dealt with the point of only one way communication (Horst and Miller 2013). The initial phrase of communication through media was based on the consumer culture. In other words the individual were only considered to receive and listen to the message but with gradual upgrading in time and the median concepts, participatory cultures have started to be prevalent among the masses. Participatory culture in other words is the antonym of the consumer culture (Van Dijck 2013). According to the concept of participatory culture the individuals can not only benefit from the media as the consumers but the individuals can contribute to the process as well. In simplified terms the individuals can be the participators or the contributors in the process of communication. The advance in the technologies in terms of personal ownerships of private information technologies such as computer and internet have facilitated them to participate in effective communication via media and post their personal ideas and opinions regarding their own aspect of interest (Hepp and Krotz 2014). The higher access to the internet facilities has enabled a outgrowing number of masses to use it in their own manner for the process of propaganda, work in a collaborative manner in the dissemination of new, innovative and creative ideas as well as perception. The newer generation has begun to use this medium of propaganda to respond to the messages as forwarded by the sender, as well as astonishing the world with new concept and perspectives. Although the participatory culture in media has elevated extensively in the recent times by emergence of various broad casting medium especially the emergence of the internet yet its originated long time before where young individuals used to hand write or type their own publications that were forwarded to the various networks of people that interesting has transformed to the social network in the modern times (Lipschultz 2017). With the emergence of new platforms in the internet such as blogs, encyclopaedias, podcasts, social networking websites, you tube, photo bucket has influence and encouraged the propaganda of the participatory culture to a greater extent. The implications of the gradual shift from the production to the prod- usage have been profound and have affected the society to a great level based on the cultural, economic, social and demographic attributes (Hansen and Machin 2013). Progress in the generations and the development of the cognition of the younger generation has transformed the perception of the individuals in such a manner that the people are no longer vaguely influenced by the media or the individuals blindly consummate the information that the bigger source of media distribute among the masses. Now a day, a larger number of people have become the prosumers or the individuals who are the consumers as well as the producers of their own media of communication and information. Billions of people now have the access and the power to produce anything and everything they presume to be fit to be displayed and served among the masses (Christians et al. 2015). One of the main challenges that the current interface of the participatory culture faces is the lack of potentiality to challenge the hegemonic dominance, legitimacy and the rationality of the gender inequality. The reason for this is the dominance of the male androgenic society to disarm and make the feminine segment powerless diminishing their right to become prosumers despite being one of the pivotal part of the society and despite having the proper knowledge as well as right. The second major challenge of the participatory culture is its influence on the consumers. The participatory cultures in most cases empower individuals to be the active contributors or followers to be engrossed in meaningful personal activities as the drawback lies in the coping of the fact of being an active contributor than being a prosumers in personal irrelevant activities. The third major challenge lies with the participatory culture is on educational grounds. The main reason for the participation fissure or the digital divide is the lack of accessibility to proper technology. In other words, it is the difference between the objectives that an individual can accomplish through the usage of an obsolete technology and an individual reinforced with a highly sophisticated and reliable piece of information technology. These fissures are evenly widened when the talented, agile and young minds are shredded apart from better and sophisticated technology that could reshape their talents and capabilities. The fourth major challenge lies in the principles of ethics. The problem lies with the fact that an expert individual would take the liberty of influencing the masses with correct and higher degree of learning but with the rising participatory culture individuals with basic outline of knowledge regarding a specific field would step out to influence the masses that can not only probe a threat to the receivers due to the dispensing of the misinformation but it would eventually encourage the miscreants to escalate their actions to further levels (Ess 2013). With the help of this essay, the influence and the emergence of the participatory cultures in media has been explained. The new cultures in equally and advantage and also posses its own drawback. The positive effects of this culture can be highly amplified if the challenges that are met by the culture are met with efficiency and effectively. References Berger, A.A., 2015.Media and communication research methods: An introduction to qualitative and quantitative approaches. Sage Publications. Christians, C.G., Fackler, M., Richardson, K., Kreshel, P. and Woods, R.H., 2015.Media ethics: Cases and moral reasoning. Routledge. Ess, C., 2013.Digital media ethics. Polity. Hansen, A. and Machin, D., 2013.Media and communication research methods. Palgrave Macmillan. Hepp, A. and Krotz, F. eds., 2014.Mediatized worlds: Culture and society in a media age. Springer. Horst, H.A. and Miller, D. eds., 2013.Digital anthropology. AC Black. Lipschultz, J.H., 2017.Social media communication: Concepts, practices, data, law and ethics. Taylor Francis. Van Dijck, J., 2013.The culture of connectivity: A critical history of social media. Oxford University Press.
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